What words did Shakespeare invent? What words did Shakespeare invent? Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon and lived until 1616. He is credited with writing 38 plays and at least 150 poems, many of which are well known such as Romeo and Juliette and others less so. Shakespeare profligacy during his lifetime was truly …
What words did Shakespeare invent?
What was the Harrying of the North?
What was the Harrying of the North? The Harrying of the North was a series of military campaigns in the northern shires of England in the winter of 1069 – 1070 by the Normans against the Anglo-Dane population. William the Conqueror had defeated Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. However, the English …
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Who said Carthago delenda est?
Who said Carthago delenda est? Marcus Porcius Cato (born 234 BC, Tusculum, Latium – died 149 BC) was a Roman statesman, widely remembered now for his use of the phrase “Carthago delenda est”. Cato was elected Quaestor (205), Aedile (199), Praetor (198) and Consul (195). Cato was also a military success and supressed a revolt …
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Who is Epictetus?
Who is Epictetus? Unlike other more famous Stoic philosophers such as Marcus Aurelius or Seneca, Epictetus was born a slave. His place of birth was Hierapolis in Anatolia in around 50 AD. Whether Epictetus had other names is not know – his name in Greek means ‘gained’ or ‘acquired’. It seems likely that this was …
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How did Pompey get the name Adulescentulus Carnifex?
How did Pompey get the name Adulescentulus Carnifex? How did Pompey get the name ‘Adulescentulus Carnifex’ or ‘teenage butcher’? One thing is for certain, it wasn’t from his friends and supporters. Pompey acquired the name as a result of his campaigns in Sicily, where he had been sent by Sulla. The target of Pompey’s forces …
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Who were the Celts?
Who were the Celts? Who were the Celts? If you ask Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian writing in the first century BC, they were a bunch of wine addicted, quarrelsome warriors with outlandishly coloured clothes who are prone to falling out during drunken feasts. Unfortunately the Celts left no written records of their own. To …
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What did the Nixon Doctrine do?
What did the Nixon Doctrine do? The Nixon Doctine (sometimes called the Guam Doctrine) was the formal announcement by President Nixon of his plan for “Vietnamization” of the Vietnam War. The plan would entail American forces being slowly withdrawn from South Vietnam and their replacement in combat roles by South Vietnamese forces. The police was …
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What does ‘Loyaulte Me Lie’ mean?
What does Loyaulte Me Lie mean? Loyaulte Me Lie means ‘Loyalty Binds Me’ and it was the personal motto of King Richard III of England. Some might consider the motto ‘Loyalty Binds Me’ to be somewhat ironic in hindsight. After all, wasn’t this the King of England who had his nephews, Edward V and his …
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When was the Classical Era in History?
When was the Classical Era in history? When was the Classical Era in history? Broadly speaking the Classical Era (also Classical Period or Classical Age) in the Mediterranean area was between 8th century BC and 6th century AD. In Europe this period was dominated by the Greeks and then the Romans. Greek ideas, stories and …