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The Battle of Tettenhall

Battle of Tettenhall

The Battle of Tettenhall. 5th August 910 AD

The Battle of Tettenhall, fought in the year 910 AD, was a significant clash which occurred during the tumultuous period of Viking raids and invasions on Anglo-Saxon England. Led by the Anglo-Saxon ruler King Edward the Elder, the English forces stood united against a formidable Dane army. The outcome of this battle not only secured the English kingdom but also marked a turning point in Viking incursions into England.

Background: The Viking Threat

During the late 9th and early 10th centuries, England was vulnerable to frequent Viking raids. The Norsemen, hailing from Scandinavia, had established a strong foothold in the British Isles, often terrorizing coastal settlements and inland regions. The Norsemen, known collectively as the ‘Danes’ had by this point established a territory in England’s eastern region, known as the ‘Danelaw’. The Anglo-Saxon kingdoms faced relentless attacks, and their rulers had to muster all their strength and resources to defend their lands.

The Rise of Edward the Elder

King Edward the Elder ascended to the throne in 899 AD, following the death of his father, King Alfred the Great. Edward was a capable and determined ruler, and he continued his father’s efforts to repel Viking incursions and consolidate the fragmented English territories. With the support of his sister Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, Edward managed to push back Viking forces and they launched a five week long campaign inside the Northumbrian part of the Danelaw in 909 AD. During this assault, the Saxon forces recovered the bones of Northumbrian King and Martyr, St Oswald from Bardney – these relics were transferred to the Mercian powerbase in Gloucester. 

The Battle of Tettenhall Unfolds

In the summer of 910 AD, the Danes sought revenge and retaliation for the incursions of the previous year. Hearing that King Edward was in Kent awaiting a fleet to arrive, they launched a large raid into Saxon lands of the Kingdom of Mercia. 

The Saxons of both Mercia and Wessex united and pursued the invaders as they raided down the Avon toward Bristol and along the Severn, until they were confronted at Tettenhall.  

The clash between the English and Viking forces was fierce and brutal. Both sides fought with ferocity, each desperate to secure victory. The English army was well-disciplined, demonstrating superior tactics and a deep commitment to defending their homeland. The Vikings, though formidable, lacked the unity and organization displayed by Edward’s forces.

Edward’s Victory and the Impact

In a decisive turn of events, King Edward the Elder’s forces prevailed over the Viking army at Tettenhall. The Anglo-Saxon victory was a resounding success, severely weakening the Norse presence in England. Three Dane Kings were slain in the battle, all brothers: Ingwaer, Eowils and Halfdan. 

The Danes were annihilated and suffered thousands of casualties.

The Battle of Tettenhall effectively shattered the threat of the Danes in Northumbria for a generation and the victory bolstered Edward’s reputation as a formidable ruler and solidified his control over the lands in the south. In the aftermath of the battle, Viking raids diminished significantly in frequency and intensity.

Legacy and Historical Significance

The Battle of Tettenhall was a turning point in English history. Edward the Elder’s victory established a sense of unity and renewed vigour among the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms and solidified the Saxon resistance which had begun with Edward’s father, Alfred the Great. 

The Battle of Tettenhall in 910 AD marked a decisive moment in the struggle for control of England between the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. With the defeat of the threat in the North, the Saxons could now focus on the threats elsewhere in South. 

The memory of Tettenhall remains a testament to the courage and determination of the Anglo-Saxon warriors who safeguarded their homeland from the relentless Viking threat.


Who was Harald Hardrada (Article about Harald Hardrada with list of his most famous battles)

Who was Tostig Godwinson (Article about Tostig, treacherous brother of Harold Godwinson) 

The Life of Hereward the Wake (Article about Hereward, heroic warrior who fought against Norman rule)


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