Monthly Archives: September 2023


What is a ‘Mensch’?

What is a mensch

What is a ‘Mensch’? What is a Mensch? “Mensch” (pronounced ‘mɛnʃ’) has its roots in Yiddish, a High German-derived language spoken by Ashkenazi Jews. The word “Mensch” is closely related to the German word “Mensch,” which means “human” or “person.” However, in Yiddish, “Mensch” is used to describe a person of integrity, honour, and kindness. …


The Fallen of World War II

The Fallen of World War II – A video short by Neil Halloran ‘The Fallen of World War II’ is a superb data driven documentary, created by Neil Halloran. Neil dramatically brings into focus the enormous death toll of World War II is this excellently created video. The inclusion of civilian deaths is truly sobering …

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